Nourish is a free monthly newsletter to help you be kinder to yourself and others — because we all need a little nudge to love well. In it, you’ll find a note from me, journaling prompts, self-care tips, ideas to care for your community and reading recommendations.

I’m Erin, a mama doing my best to raise kind children, a believer, a bookworm and a writer of creative nonfiction. My work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Everymom, Coffee + Crumbs, Living Lutheran and elsewhere. My book, The Beauty of Motherhood: Grace-Filled Devotions for the Early Years, released March 21, 2023.

I’ve been writing Nourish since May of 2020, and over the years, I’ve loved connecting with readers like you about the pursuit of kindness. In October 2023, I moved my newsletter from Mailchimp to Substack to create space for shared conversation around monthly themes. (To read selected back issues, visit the archive page.) Issues will remain free to all readers.

The title for this newsletter came to me as a foil to an essay I wrote years ago titled “Hunger.” This essay details part of my journey towards self-compassion, and publishing it helped me discover the healing power of storytelling. Nourish continues to teach me how I want to show up in the world. I want to be a source of light and a force for good. I want to be the rain “we really needed” and the calm after the storm. Mostly, I want to keep growing and encourage you to do the same.

This is a place where I share inspiration and hope for the journey. Join me?

Subscribe to Nourish

a monthly newsletter to help you be kinder to yourself and others


Chicago-based writer and mama of two. Coauthor of The Beauty of Motherhood: Grace-Filled Devotions for the Early Years.